Collective Worship and RE
Flourishing and Growing
At St Andrew's Church of England Primary School, we have a Religious Education curriculum that intends to impact every part of school life. To have a rich and varied curriculum that gives children a firm grounding in the principles and practices of Christianity, especially as represented by the Church of England. At St Andrew's Church of England Primary School we believe that Religious Education should provide a contemporary study of religion, preparing all children for later life. We promote respect, tolerance and understanding for the beliefs of all. Our curriculum encourages children to continuously ask questions and seek answers, embedding understanding and providing varied learning opportunities along their journey through school.
We help pupils understand and respect others, their religious beliefs and lifestyles. In recognition of the multicultural society in which we live, children in both key stages will be given the opportunity to explore other world faiths represented in Britain today, by learning about their traditions, lifestyles and the festivals that they celebrate. We aim to give children an appreciation of the ‘awe and wonder’ that exists in the world and understand that this was created by God.
St Andrew's Church of England Primary School follows the Manchester Anglican Diocese Syllabus which was updated in 2023. This scheme prescribes units that need to be covered and sets out expectations for the end of units. This syllabus is taught alongside ‘Understanding Christianity’ which provides a range of resources that can be used to deepen and enhance children’s learning in Religious Education. Teachers plan and deliver lessons that involve discussion and written tasks where children are able to express their views in a safe and respectful environment. A range of resources are used to stimulate children’s thoughts including texts, artwork and music. Children are encouraged to express their views and opinions during sessions and stories from the Bible are regularly discussed and celebrated. Some units of work link closely with other world faiths and these are celebrated and discussed frequently during RE lessons.
Through effective teaching and learning, children at St Andrew's Church of England Primary School will be able to confidently discuss stories from the Bible and the teachings within them and use this to influence their own lives and behaviours. Children will be provided with a safe space to express their views, ask questions and make decisions about religion. Children, as a result of teaching in Religious Education, will show courageous advocacy and stand up for their own beliefs and any injustices they perceive in the world. We believe Religious Education for children and young people provokes challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life. It develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity amongst other religion and religious traditions. RE enables pupils to build their sense of identity and belonging, which helps them flourish within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society. It teaches pupils to develop respect for others, including people with different faiths and beliefs and helps to challenge prejudice. RE prompts pupils to consider their responsibilities to themselves and to others and to explore how they might contribute to their communities and to the wider society. It encourages empathy, generosity and compassion.
Please find attached an example of each year group's Knowledge organisers for one unit which provide the key learning associated alongside other key documents. Also, attached is an example of our half termly planning linked to a Christian value.