Celebrating Easter
Happy Easter to all our school community.
We celebrated Easter together by having an Easter Experience. We visited six parts of school and listened to parts of the Easter story, listened to music and prayed together.
The corridor near the staff room had palm branches and cloaks spread on the floor to help us to think of Palm Sunday.
We moved into the hall where we could see a table which was set for the Last Supper. We could see bread and wine. It looked like the disciples had left in a hurry because some of the chairs had been tipped over!
Then we went into the garden. We sat on bean bags and made ourselves comfortable. We listened to the story of Jesus and His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Back into the hall and we looked at a large picture of the cross on the screen. We thought about Good Friday and Jesus' sacrifice.
Outside, in the outdoor classroom, was an empty cross. It was like we were in the empty tomb.
In the garden we could see a cross made of flowers. This showed us that Jesus rose from the dead. All around us were spring flowers and blossom in the trees.
Happy Easter.