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St Andrew's

Church of England Primary School

School Closure 2021

Please read the following information about the school closure .

Dear Parents/Carers

The latest government announcement is that schools are closed from 5th January. This is designed to reduce the spread of the new variant of COVID19 as part of a new national lockdown. 

Home learning will recommence using Seesaw. Please make sure you and your child are familiar with this and you have logged on from tomorrow. 

As was the case in March 2020, child care can be provided in school for the children of critical workers and children who are classed as vulnerable.

It is important that we keep these bubbles small or it would be pointless closing the school. We would ask that if you can keep children at home please do so. 

Please notify us if you require a place for your child:

- You must be a critical worker

- neither parent should be working from home

- There should be no other alternative child care - ie no family members living within your household, or your support bubble, who can care for your child,

We will try to support your request as much as possible.

Please contact school on the school email address with the following information:

  • Explain why you are classed as a critical worker
  • If your child comes under the vulnerable child category
  • The days you require your child to attend school
  • If you require Before/After school care in SOCKS.

At this time we do not have any information about the school kitchen so children who come to school will need to bring a packed lunch - at least for this week.

There will have to be a very quick turnaround in this process and we would like to thank you for your patience at this time. You will be contacted later today if your child can attend school from tomorrow.

Please remember why this is happening. If you can keep your child at home please do so and help reduce the chance of contracting/spreading COVID19. 

Kind regards

Damian Marsh
