Harvest 2021
Our Harvest celebration will be held on Friday, 8th October 2021.
We will celebrate Harvest next Friday on 8th October.
We are making donations to a local charity this year - Ramsbottom Pantry. The letter attached tells you all about them and the work they do. It also tells you about what they would like us to donate. Children can bring their donations into school on the day itself.
We will be going into church for a service for the first time since Christmas 2019! The Harvest Service will be at 9.15am on Friday 8th October. However, we have decided to limit the invitation to join us at our service to parents of Reception and Key Stage 1 children (Years 1 and 2). Parents of children in Years 3 to 6 will be invited to the service for St Andrew's Day at the end of November. By doing this we hope to keep some kind of limit on numbers. I am sure you will understand our decision and cooperate with this request.