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St Andrew's

Church of England Primary School

About Us


A very warm welcome to our school website, we hope you enjoy viewing our pages which are regularly updated with news and events from in and around our school community.

St Andrew’s CE Primary School is very proud of its achievements and friendly environment. We have 230 pupils aged 4-11 and are located in the north part of Bury in Ramsbottom.

St. Andrew’s Church of England Primary School is a school of which we are very proud. Our standards of pupil achievement and behaviour speak for themselves. Our Mission Statement means that we are constantly striving to provide a rich school environment which values, supports and encourages the achievements of all our children. We are committed to providing an excellent standard of education with a strong Christian ethos.

St. Andrew’s is a school community where children, staff, governors, parents and the wider community work hard to make a school where children want to learn and are happy.

We firmly believe in a strong partnership between home and school and hope that you will be able to give active support in your child’s education.

If there is any more information we can give you, or if you would like to arrange a visit to the school, please telephone the school office. We look forward to a happy association with you and your children.